![387. WALKING STICK (Polish, 1975), Art by Mieczyslaw Wasilewski, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 22 3/4" x 32 1/2" [58 x 83 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/WalkingStick_small.jpg)
![378. THESE ARE THE DAMNED (Polish, 1968), Art by Jacek Neugebauer, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 22 1/2" x 31 3/4" [57 x 81 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/TheseAreTheDamned_small.jpg)
![377. THE RECKONING (Polish, 1972), Art by Ryszard Kiwerski, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 23" x 33" [58 x 84 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/TheReckoning_small.jpg)
![372. STOWAWAY IN THE SKY (Polish, 1962), Art by Marian Stachurski, Movie Poster, A1, 23" x 33" [58 x 84 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Stowaway_small.jpg)
![357. CALL NORTHSIDE 777 (Polish, 1966), Art by Marian Stachurski and Kazimierz Krolikowski, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 22 1/2" x 32 1/2" [57 x 83 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Northside777_small.jpg)
![356. NIKKI (Polish, 1977), Art by Marian Stachurski, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 22 3/4" x 33" [58 x 84 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Nikki_small.jpg)
![361. POKLAD HRABETE CHAMARE (Polish, 1986), Art by Jaime Carlos Nieto, Unfolded, Polish Movie Poster, B1, 26 3/4" x 38 1/2" [68 x 98 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Poklad_small.jpg)

![291. BILLY JACK (Polish, 1973), Art by Jan Mlodozeniec, Folded Movie Poster, A1, 22 3/4" x 32 1/4" [58 x 82 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/BillyJack_small.jpg)

![338. JOY HOUSE (Polish, 1966), Art by Joanna Krzymoska-Stokowska, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 23 1/4" x 32 1/2" [59 x 83 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Koty_small.jpg)
![334. CAPTAIN LESHI (Polish, 1960), Art by Wojciech Wenzel, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 23" x 32 3/4" [58 x 83 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Kapitan_small.jpg)
![349. MARATHON MAN (Polish, 1977), Art by Wiktor Gorka, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 22 3/4" x 32 3/4" [58 x 83 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/MarathonMan_small.jpg)
![345. MACBETH (Polish, 1964), Art by Maciej Raducki, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 23" x 33 1/4" [58 x 84 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Macbeth_small.jpg)
![355. NIGHT GAMES (Polish, 1090), Art by Michal Piekarski, Polish Movie Poster, B1, 26 1/2" x 37 1/4" [67 x 95 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/NightGames_small.jpg)

![304. CIRCUS (Polish, 1979) Art by Andrzej Pagowski, Circus Advertising Poster, B1, 26 1/2" x 38 1/4" [67 x 97 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Circus_small.jpg)
![354. PRIYEZZHAYA (Polish, 1978), Art by Jaime Carlos Nieto, Unfolded, Polish Movie Poster, B1, 26 1/2" x 38" [67 x 97 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Nieto_small.jpg)
![380. TO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A. (Polish, 1986), Art by Jakub Erol, Polish Movie Poster, B1, 26 1/2" x 38 1/2" [67 x 98 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ToLiveAndDie_small.jpg)
![320. GONZA THE SPEARMAN (Polish, 1987), Folded Polish Movie Poster, Signed, B1, 26 1/4" x 38 1/2" [67 x 98 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Gonza_small.jpg)
![343. LIBERATION OF L.B. JONES (Polish, 1973), Art by Maciej Zbikowski, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 23 1/2" x 32 3/4" [60 x 83 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Liberation_small.jpg)
![311. DR. CRIPPEN (Polish, 1964), Art by Witold Chmielewski, Polish Movie Poster, Folded, A1, 23 1/4" x 33" [59 x 84 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/DrCrippen_small.jpg)
![310. DEVIL'S DISCIPLE (Polish, 1962), Art by Maurycy Stryjecki, Polish Movie Poster, Folded, A1, 22 3/4" x 33 1/4" [58 x 84 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/DevilsDisciple_small.jpg)
![309. DAY OF THE DOLPHIN (Polish, 1977), Art by Andrzej Klimowski, Polish Movie Poster, Folded, A1, 23" x 32 3/4" [58 x 83 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/DayOfTheDolphin_small.jpg)
![307. CYRK (Polish, 1976) Art by Maciej Urbaniec, Circus Advertising Poster, B1, 26 1/2" x 38 1/4" [67 x 97 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Cyrk_small.jpg)
![306. CONFESSIONS OF A POLICE CAPTAIN (Polish, 1971), Art by Mieczyslaw Wasilewski, Polish Movie Poster, Unfolded, A1, 23 1/4" x 31 1/2" [59 x 80 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Confessions_small.jpg)
![302. CHILD IS WAITING (Polish, 1965), Art by Jerzy Treutler, Polish Movie Poster, Unfolded, A1, 22 3/4" x 33" [58 x 84 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ChildIsWaiting_small.jpg)
![294. BREAKOUT (Polish, 1977), Art by Andrzej Iwanicki, Folded Movie Poster, A1, 22 1/2" x 32 1/2" [57 x 83 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Breakout_small.jpg)
![293. BIRTH CERTIFICATE (Polish, 1961), Art by Jan Mlodozeniec, Unfolded Movie Poster, A1, 22 3/4" x 31 1/4" [58 x 79 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/BirthCertificate_small.jpg)
![363. PULP FICTION (Polish, 1995), Art by James Verdesoto, Movie Poster, 26 3/4" x 38 1/2" [68 x 98 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/PulpFiction_small.jpg)
![386. WAGTAIL'S ARMY (Czechoslovakian, 1965), Art by Balcar, Unfolded, Movie Poster, 11 3/4" x 16" [30 x 41 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Wagtails_small.jpg)
![336. KING KONG (Czechoslovakian, 1989), Art by Zdenek Vlach, Unfolded Czechoslovakian Movie Poster, 11 1/4" x 15 1/2" [29 x 39 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/KingKong_small.jpg)
![362. PRUDENCE & THE PILL (Czechoslovakian, 1969), Art by Zdenek Ziegler, Unfolded, Movie Poster, 11 1/4" x 16" [29 x 41 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Prudence_small.jpg)
![379. THE TRAP (Czechoslovakian, 1968), Movie Poster, 10 1/4" x 15 1/4" [26 x 39 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/TheTrap_small.jpg)
![290. BEAUTIES OF THE NIGHT (Czechoslovakian, 1958), Movie Poster, 11 1/4" x 15 3/4" [29 x 40 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/BeautiesOfTheNight_small.jpg)
![390. WESTERPLATTE (Czechoslovakian, 1968), Art by Josef Vyletal, Unfolded, Movie Poster, 11 1/4" x 16" [29 x 41 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Westerplatte_small.jpg)

![382. THE TROUBADOUR (Czechoslovakian, 1997), Autographed by the Artist - Karel Misek, Stage Play Poster, 26 1/4" x 39" [67 x 99 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Toubadour_small.jpg)
![341. LEPROSY (Czechoslovakian, 1971), Art by Theisz, Movie Poster, 11" x 16" [28 x 41 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Leprosy_small.jpg)
![317. HRANICE SPRAVEDLNOSTI (Czechoslovakian, 1983), Art by Mardimal, Unfolded, Movie Poster, 11" x 15 1/2" [28 x 39 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/FrontierJustic_small.jpg)
![289. ALPIYSKAYA BALLADA (Czechoslovakian, 1966), Art by Vaca, Movie Poster, 11 1/2" x 16" [29 x 41 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Balada_small.jpg)
![324. HE WHO RIDES A TIGER (Czechoslovakian, 1965), Art by W.A. Schlosser, Movie Poster, 22 1/4" x 32" [57 x 81 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/HeWhoRidesATiger_small.jpg)
![358. OF THINGS SUPERNATURAL (Czechoslovakian, 1958), Art by Karel Vaca, Unfolded, Movie Poster, 11 1/2" x 16" [29 x 41 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/OfThingsSupernatural_small.jpg)

![315. FISTS IN THE DARK (Czechoslovakian, 1986), Unfolded, Movie Poster, 11 1/4" x 15 3/4" [29 x 40 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/FistsInTheDark_small.jpg)

![366. RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (USA, 1982), Art by Richard Amsel, Unfolded Single-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Raiders_small.jpg)
![365. RAGING BULL (USA, 1980), Art by Richard Amsel, Unfolded Single-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Raging_small.jpg)

![371. SIN & DESIRE (USA, 1960), 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/SinAndDesire_small.jpg)

![353. NEVER LET ME GO (USA, 1953), Linen-Backed 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/NeverLetMeGo_small.jpg)

![342. A LETTER TO TRUE (USA, 2004), Art by Bruce Weber, Unfolded Single-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 40" [69 x 102 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/LetterToTrue_small.jpg)

![330. JAMES AGEE ALL THE WAY HOME (USA, 1970s), Unfolded Stage Play Window Card Poster, 12" x 22 3/4" [30 x 58 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/JamesAgee_small.jpg)
![326. IDOL RECORDS SHOWCASE (USA, 2000s), Art by Steve Walters, Unfolded Limited Edition Autographed and Numbered Music Poster, 8 3/4" x 22 1/2" [22 x 57 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/IdolRecords_small.jpg)

![313. EYES WIDE SHUT (USA, 1999), Art by Brian Hamill, Unfolded Double-Sided Advance 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 26 3/4" x 39 3/4" [68 x 101 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/EyesWideShut_small.jpg)

![323. HANNAH AND HER SISTERS (USA, 1986), Art by Brian Hamill, Unfolded Single-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/HannahUSA_small.jpg)
![312. E.T. THE EXTRA TERRESTRIAL (USA, 1982), Art by John Alvin, Unfolded Single-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ET_small.jpg)
![295. BROADWAY DANNY ROSE (USA, 1984), Art by John Alvin, Folded Single-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Broadway_small.jpg)

![282. ADDAMS FAMILY (USA, 1991), Art by BLT Communications, LLC, Unfolded Single-Sided Teaser 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 26 3/4" x 39 3/4" [68 x 101 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/AddamsFamily_small.jpg)

![298. CASINO ROYAL (USA/Spanish, 2006), Unfolded Double-Sided Teaser 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 26 3/4" x 39 3/4" [68 x 101 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/CasinoRoyale_small.jpg)

![333. CITIZEN KANE (English, 1990s), Unfolded Teaser English Double Crown Movie Poster, 19 3/4" x 27 3/4" [50 x 70 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Kane_small.jpg)
![389. WE ALL LOVED EACH OTHER SO MUCH (Japanese, 1990), Unfolded Japanese B2 Movie Poster, 20" x 28 1/2" [51 x 72 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/WeAllLoved_small.jpg)
![352. NAGISA NO SHIROI IE (Japanese, 1977), Unfolded Japanese B2 Movie Poster, 20" x 28 1/2" [51 x 72 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Nagisa_small.jpg)
![303. CHINESE CONNECTION (Italian, 1970s), Art by Averardo Ciriello, Folded Italian Locandina Movie Poster, 13 1/4" x 27 1/2" [34 x 70 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ChineseConnection_small.jpg)

![347. MANHATTAN (Italian, 1979), Folded Italian Locandina Movie Poster, 13 1/4" x 27 3/4" [34 x 70 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Manhattan_small.jpg)

![381. TOMI UNGERER PHOTOGRAPHIE (German, 1990), Unfolded, Exhibition Poster, A1, 23" x 33" [58 x 84 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/TomiUngerer_small.jpg)
![318. GANGS OF NEW YORK (German, 2003), Unfolded German Movie Poster, A1, 23" x 33" [58 x 84 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/GangsOfNY_small.jpg)
![322. HANNAH AND HER SISTERS (Danish, 1986), Folded Danish Movie Poster, 24 1/4" x 33 1/2" [62 x 85 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Hannah_small.jpg)
![300. CELL 2455 DEATH ROW (Danish, 1955), Folded Danish Movie Poster, 24 1/4" x 33" [62 x 84 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Cell2455_small.jpg)
![332. WALT DISNEY'S JUNGLE CAT (Belgian, 1960), Folded Belgian Movie Poster, 14 1/4" x 21 1/2" [36 x 55 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/JungleCat_small.jpg)
![376. THE FRONT (Belgian, 1976), Belgian Movie Poster, Unfolded, 14 1/2" x 21 1/2" [37 x 55 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/TheFront_small.jpg)
![340. LE GRAND PAYSAGE D'ALEXIS DROEVEN (French, 1981), Folded French "Petite" Movie Poster, 16 1/4" x 22 1/2" [41 x 57 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/LeGrandPaysage_small.jpg)
![364. PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO (French, 1985), Art by Jean-Michel Folon, Cinema French Door Panel “Pantalon”, 23 1/4" x 62" [59 x 157 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/PurpleRose_small.jpg)
![369. SILENCE OF THE LAMBS (French, 1990), French "Petite" Movie Poster, 15" x 20" [38 x 51 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Silence_small.jpg)
![321. THE GUNS OF NAVARONE (French, 1961), Art by Howard Terpning, Folded Cinema French One-Panel “Grande” Movie Poster, 47" x 62 3/4" [119 x 159 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/GunsOfNavarone_small.jpg)
![287. ASSIGNMENT K (French, 1968), Art by H. Poussy, Folded French "Affiche" Movie Poster, 22 3/4" x 31" [58 x 79 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/AssignmentK_small.jpg)
![308. DANCES WITH WOLVES (French, 1991), Movie Poster, 23 1/2" x 31 1/2" [60 x 80 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/DancesWithWolves_small.jpg)
![305. COLLECTOR (French, 1965), French "Affiche" Movie Poster, Folded, B1, 26 1/2" x 38 1/4" [67 x 97 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Collector_small.jpg)

![301. CHAPLIN REVUE (French, 1973), Art by Leo Kouper, French "Affiche" Movie Poster, A1, 23 3/4" x 31 1/2" [60 x 80 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ChaplinRevue_small.jpg)
![299. CATCH 22 (French, 1970), French "Petite" Movie Poster, 15 3/4" x 23 1/2" [40 x 60 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Catch22_small.jpg)
![375. TENDERNESS, MY FANNY (French, 1979), Movie Poster, 17 1/4" x 24 1/4" [44 x 62 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Tenderness_small.jpg)

![286. ARRANGEMENT (French, 1969), Art by Rene Ferracci, Folded French "Affiche" Movie Poster, 23 1/4" x 31 1/2" [59 x 80 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Arrangement_small.jpg)
![351. AFTERNOON AFFAIR (Slovakian, 1984), Unfolded Movie Poster, 11 3/4" x 16 1/2" [30 x 42 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Milenci_small.jpg)
![314. FEELING OF LOVE (Russian, 1983), Unfolded Movie Poster, 24" x 33 1/2" [61 x 85 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/FeelingOfLove_small.jpg)
![316. FREISPRUCH MANGELS BEWEISES (Russian, 1963), Folded Movie Poster, 21 1/2" x 35" [55 x 89 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Freispruch_small.jpg)
![359. ONE CHANCE IN ONE THOUSAND (Russian, 1969), Art by Lemeshenko, Folded Movie Poster, 20 1/4" x 26" [51 x 66 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/OneChance_small.jpg)
![329. JAILBREAK (Russian, 1978), Unfolded Movie Poster, 22 1/2" x 30 3/4" [57 x 78 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Jailbreak_small.jpg)
![284. ALITET UKHODIT V GORY (Russian, 1949), Folded Movie Poster, 22 3/4" x 30 1/2" [58 x 77 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Alitet_small.jpg)
![281. 49 DAYS (Russian, 1962), Art by Zelenski, Folded Movie Poster, 25 1/4" x 41" [64 x 104 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/49Days_small.jpg)
![383. TWO LIVES (Russian, 1957), Movie Poster, 19 1/4" x 25 1/2" [49 x 65 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/TwoLives_small.jpg)
![285. AND WE HAD SILENCE (Russian, 1977), Unfolded Movie Poster, 22 1/2" x 31" [57 x 79 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/AndWeHadSilence_small.jpg)
![337. KONETS IMPERATORA TAYGI (Cuban, 1980), Silkscreened, Unfolded Cuban Movie Poster, 20" x 30" [51 x 76 cm]](http://nicholasprior.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Konets_small.jpg)

387. WALKING STICK (Polish, 1975), Art by Mieczyslaw Wasilewski, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 22 3/4" x 32 1/2" [58 x 83 cm]
Condition: VG to F (poster was formerly folded across the middle but has been laying flat for a long time)

378. THESE ARE THE DAMNED (Polish, 1968), Art by Jacek Neugebauer, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 22 1/2" x 31 3/4" [57 x 81 cm]
Condition: VG to F. Folded.

377. THE RECKONING (Polish, 1972), Art by Ryszard Kiwerski, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 23" x 33" [58 x 84 cm]
Condition: Good. There is tattering and some paper loss along the foldlines and around the edges of the poster. There are scuff marks and minor creases throughout the poster.

372. STOWAWAY IN THE SKY (Polish, 1962), Art by Marian Stachurski, Movie Poster, A1, 23" x 33" [58 x 84 cm]
Condition: VG. This poster was folded at one time but has been laying flat for a long time.

357. CALL NORTHSIDE 777 (Polish, 1966), Art by Marian Stachurski and Kazimierz Krolikowski, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 22 1/2" x 32 1/2" [57 x 83 cm]
Condition: VG. Folded.

356. NIKKI (Polish, 1977), Art by Marian Stachurski, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 22 3/4" x 33" [58 x 84 cm]
Condition: VG. Folded. There is some discoloration along the foldlines and around the edges of the poster.

361. POKLAD HRABETE CHAMARE (Polish, 1986), Art by Jaime Carlos Nieto, Unfolded, Polish Movie Poster, B1, 26 3/4" x 38 1/2" [68 x 98 cm]
Condition: VG

392. WOLF OF PROKLETIJE (Polish, 1968), Unfolded, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 23" x 33"
Condition: Good to very good. There is some uneven discoloration throughout the poster and there are some 1" and smaller tears around the edges.

291. BILLY JACK (Polish, 1973), Art by Jan Mlodozeniec, Folded Movie Poster, A1, 22 3/4" x 32 1/4" [58 x 82 cm]
Condition: VG to F

339. LA JUIVE (Polish, 2000), Art by Wieslaw Walkuski, Unfolded, Polish Theater Poster, B1, 27" x 39"
Condition: Fine

338. JOY HOUSE (Polish, 1966), Art by Joanna Krzymoska-Stokowska, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 23 1/4" x 32 1/2" [59 x 83 cm]
Condition: VG. Formerly folded.

334. CAPTAIN LESHI (Polish, 1960), Art by Wojciech Wenzel, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 23" x 32 3/4" [58 x 83 cm]
Condition: Good. The poster is slightly discolored and brittle and there is tattering and paper loss around the edges.

349. MARATHON MAN (Polish, 1977), Art by Wiktor Gorka, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 22 3/4" x 32 3/4" [58 x 83 cm]
Condition: VG to F. Folded.

345. MACBETH (Polish, 1964), Art by Maciej Raducki, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 23" x 33 1/4" [58 x 84 cm]
Condition: VG. There are a few 1" and smaller tears around the edges of the poster. Formerly folded.

355. NIGHT GAMES (Polish, 1090), Art by Michal Piekarski, Polish Movie Poster, B1, 26 1/2" x 37 1/4" [67 x 95 cm]
Condition: VG to F

335. THE EXECUTIONER (Polish, 1963), Art by Maciej Hibner, Polish Movie Poster, 11 3/4" x 16"
Condition: VG to F. Formerly folded.

304. CIRCUS (Polish, 1979) Art by Andrzej Pagowski, Circus Advertising Poster, B1, 26 1/2" x 38 1/4" [67 x 97 cm]
Condition: VG to F

354. PRIYEZZHAYA (Polish, 1978), Art by Jaime Carlos Nieto, Unfolded, Polish Movie Poster, B1, 26 1/2" x 38" [67 x 97 cm]
Condition: VG to F. There is a small tear in the upper left corner.

380. TO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A. (Polish, 1986), Art by Jakub Erol, Polish Movie Poster, B1, 26 1/2" x 38 1/2" [67 x 98 cm]
Condition: VG to F

320. GONZA THE SPEARMAN (Polish, 1987), Folded Polish Movie Poster, Signed, B1, 26 1/4" x 38 1/2" [67 x 98 cm]
Condition: VG. Formerly folded.

343. LIBERATION OF L.B. JONES (Polish, 1973), Art by Maciej Zbikowski, Polish Movie Poster, A1, 23 1/2" x 32 3/4" [60 x 83 cm]
Condition: VG to F. Formerly folded.

311. DR. CRIPPEN (Polish, 1964), Art by Witold Chmielewski, Polish Movie Poster, Folded, A1, 23 1/4" x 33" [59 x 84 cm]
Condition: VG to F. Folded.

310. DEVIL'S DISCIPLE (Polish, 1962), Art by Maurycy Stryjecki, Polish Movie Poster, Folded, A1, 22 3/4" x 33 1/4" [58 x 84 cm]
Condition: VG to F. Other than some minor fold and border wear, the poster is in pretty nice condition and it displays well. Folded.

309. DAY OF THE DOLPHIN (Polish, 1977), Art by Andrzej Klimowski, Polish Movie Poster, Folded, A1, 23" x 32 3/4" [58 x 83 cm]
Condition: VG to F.

307. CYRK (Polish, 1976) Art by Maciej Urbaniec, Circus Advertising Poster, B1, 26 1/2" x 38 1/4" [67 x 97 cm]
Condition: G to VG. There is some minor tattering around the edges of the poster.

306. CONFESSIONS OF A POLICE CAPTAIN (Polish, 1971), Art by Mieczyslaw Wasilewski, Polish Movie Poster, Unfolded, A1, 23 1/4" x 31 1/2" [59 x 80 cm]
Condition: VG to F. Unfolded.

302. CHILD IS WAITING (Polish, 1965), Art by Jerzy Treutler, Polish Movie Poster, Unfolded, A1, 22 3/4" x 33" [58 x 84 cm]
Condition: Good. There is a large diagonal tear at left and there are some 1 1/2" and smaller tears around the edges of the poster (most repaired with tape from the back). There are creases and scuff marks scattered throughout the poster.

294. BREAKOUT (Polish, 1977), Art by Andrzej Iwanicki, Folded Movie Poster, A1, 22 1/2" x 32 1/2" [57 x 83 cm]
Condition: VG to F. Formerly folded.

293. BIRTH CERTIFICATE (Polish, 1961), Art by Jan Mlodozeniec, Unfolded Movie Poster, A1, 22 3/4" x 31 1/4" [58 x 79 cm]
Condition: G to VG. There are some 1" and smaller tears scattered around the edges of the poster. The poster is otherwise in pretty nice condition.

363. PULP FICTION (Polish, 1995), Art by James Verdesoto, Movie Poster, 26 3/4" x 38 1/2" [68 x 98 cm]
Condition: G to VG. There are some creases and scuff marks scattered throughout the poster and there is some tattering around the edges.

386. WAGTAIL'S ARMY (Czechoslovakian, 1965), Art by Balcar, Unfolded, Movie Poster, 11 3/4" x 16" [30 x 41 cm]
Condition: VG to F

336. KING KONG (Czechoslovakian, 1989), Art by Zdenek Vlach, Unfolded Czechoslovakian Movie Poster, 11 1/4" x 15 1/2" [29 x 39 cm]
Condition: VG to F

362. PRUDENCE & THE PILL (Czechoslovakian, 1969), Art by Zdenek Ziegler, Unfolded, Movie Poster, 11 1/4" x 16" [29 x 41 cm]
Condition: VG

379. THE TRAP (Czechoslovakian, 1968), Movie Poster, 10 1/4" x 15 1/4" [26 x 39 cm]
Condition: VG (formerly folded, but has been laying flat for a long time)

290. BEAUTIES OF THE NIGHT (Czechoslovakian, 1958), Movie Poster, 11 1/4" x 15 3/4" [29 x 40 cm]
Condition: VG to F (formerly folded across the middle)

390. WESTERPLATTE (Czechoslovakian, 1968), Art by Josef Vyletal, Unfolded, Movie Poster, 11 1/4" x 16" [29 x 41 cm]
Condition: VG. Was folded at one time but has been laying flat for a long time.

346. MALACHI’S COVE (Czechoslovakian, 1975), Art by Antonin Sladek, Unfolded, Movie Poster, 32 1/2" x 23 1/8"
Condition: VG

382. THE TROUBADOUR (Czechoslovakian, 1997), Autographed by the Artist - Karel Misek, Stage Play Poster, 26 1/4" x 39" [67 x 99 cm]
Condition: VG to F

341. LEPROSY (Czechoslovakian, 1971), Art by Theisz, Movie Poster, 11" x 16" [28 x 41 cm]
Condition: VG. Formerly folded.

317. HRANICE SPRAVEDLNOSTI (Czechoslovakian, 1983), Art by Mardimal, Unfolded, Movie Poster, 11" x 15 1/2" [28 x 39 cm]
Condition: VG to F

289. ALPIYSKAYA BALLADA (Czechoslovakian, 1966), Art by Vaca, Movie Poster, 11 1/2" x 16" [29 x 41 cm]
Condition: G to VG. Formerly folded. There is a 1" tear in the lower left of the poster.

324. HE WHO RIDES A TIGER (Czechoslovakian, 1965), Art by W.A. Schlosser, Movie Poster, 22 1/4" x 32" [57 x 81 cm]
Condition: VG to F (poster was formerly folded but has been laying flat for a long time)

358. OF THINGS SUPERNATURAL (Czechoslovakian, 1958), Art by Karel Vaca, Unfolded, Movie Poster, 11 1/2" x 16" [29 x 41 cm]
Condition: VG to F

327. ILLUSTRIOUS CORPSES (Czechoslovakian, 1978), Art by Antonin Sladek, Unfolded, Movie Poster, 31 5/8" x 23 1/8"
Condition: VG (slight tears at edges)

315. FISTS IN THE DARK (Czechoslovakian, 1986), Unfolded, Movie Poster, 11 1/4" x 15 3/4" [29 x 40 cm]
Condition: VG

391. WEST SIDE STORY (USA, 1961), Art by Joseph Caroff, Unfolded, Window Card, 14" x 22"
Condition: VG

393. THE WOODMANS (USA, 2010), Unfolded, Single-Sided US 1-Sheet, 27" x 38.5"
Condition: VG

366. RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (USA, 1982), Art by Richard Amsel, Unfolded Single-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]
Condition: Good. There is tattering and paper loss around the edges of the poster. There are some creases scattered throughout the poster and there are stains in the white background at lower left between the credits and artwork area of the poster.

365. RAGING BULL (USA, 1980), Art by Richard Amsel, Unfolded Single-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]
Condition: Good. The poster has darkened slightly with age and there are some creases and scuffs scattered throughout. There are some tack holes and 1 1/2" and smaller tears around the edges of the poster.

388. LIGHTHOUSE FOOTWEAR REPTILE SHOES (USA, 1979) Art by Andy Warhol, Advertising Poster, 45" x 29 7/8"
Condition: VG (slight tears at edges)

373. STREAMERS (USA, 1976), Art by Paul Davis, Theater poster, 23" x 46"
Condition: VG to F

371. SIN & DESIRE (USA, 1960), 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]
Condition: VG

368. REQUIEM FOR A DREAM (USA, 2000), Signed by Director Darren Aronofsky, 19 1/2" x 13 1/4"
Condition: VG to F

374. THE SUPREMES (Belgian, 1965), Art by Joe Eula, Concert Poster, Unfolded, 24" x 36"
Condition: VG. Small tear top left edge. Minor edge defects.

348. ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE (USA, 2006), Movie Poster, 12” x 18”
Condition: G to VG. Paper loss around corners. Rest of poster in nice shape.

353. NEVER LET ME GO (USA, 1953), Linen-Backed 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]
Condition: Very good. The poster had small paper loss at the top and bottom crossfolds and tiny paper loss at the middle crossfold. It had minor wear on the foldlines and in the borders. Overall, the poster was in very good condition prior to linenbacking. The poster was nicely backed.

350. MARCEL MARCEAU USA, 1984), Unfolded Theater Poster, 14" x 22"
Condition: VG

342. A LETTER TO TRUE (USA, 2004), Art by Bruce Weber, Unfolded Single-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 40" [69 x 102 cm]
Condition: VG

370. SIMON & GARFUNKEL (USA, 1967), Concert Poster, 25” x 38”
Condition: VG to F

394. ZOMBOID (USA, 2006), Unfolded, Single-Sided, 24" x 36"
Condition: G/VG. Outer edges have wear; remainder in VG condition.

283. MUHAMMAD ALI AND JOE FRAZIER (USA, 1971), Art by Celistino Piatti, Unfolded Event Poster, 30” x 45”
Condition: VG to F

330. JAMES AGEE ALL THE WAY HOME (USA, 1970s), Unfolded Stage Play Window Card Poster, 12" x 22 3/4" [30 x 58 cm]
Condition: Fine.

326. IDOL RECORDS SHOWCASE (USA, 2000s), Art by Steve Walters, Unfolded Limited Edition Autographed and Numbered Music Poster, 8 3/4" x 22 1/2" [22 x 57 cm]
Condition: VG to F. Bottom left corner is creased; otherwise, condition is near mint.

288. AVEDON VIETNAM POSTER (USA, 1969), Art by Richard Avedon, Unfolded Political Poster, 30” x 46”
Condition: VG. 1" tear along top middle edge of poster.

313. EYES WIDE SHUT (USA, 1999), Art by Brian Hamill, Unfolded Double-Sided Advance 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 26 3/4" x 39 3/4" [68 x 101 cm]
Condition: VG to F

360. ELLEN VON UNWERTH ORIGINAL SIN (USA, 1999), Art by Ellen Von Unwerth, Unfolded Exhibition Poster, 24" x 36"
Condition: Fine

323. HANNAH AND HER SISTERS (USA, 1986), Art by Brian Hamill, Unfolded Single-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]
Condition: VG

312. E.T. THE EXTRA TERRESTRIAL (USA, 1982), Art by John Alvin, Unfolded Single-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]
Condition: G to VG

295. BROADWAY DANNY ROSE (USA, 1984), Art by John Alvin, Folded Single-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm]
Condition: G to VG

292. BILLY JOEL (USA, 1982), Art by Larry Kazal, Unfolded Concert Tour Poster, 24” x 36”
Condition: G to VG

282. ADDAMS FAMILY (USA, 1991), Art by BLT Communications, LLC, Unfolded Single-Sided Teaser 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 26 3/4" x 39 3/4" [68 x 101 cm]
Condition: VG

WILL EISNER "STREET CASINO" LITHOGRAPH (USA, 1988), Signed and Editioned Lithograph, #732/800, 19.25" x 27.25"
Condition: VG. Minor edge and corner defects.

298. CASINO ROYAL (USA/Spanish, 2006), Unfolded Double-Sided Teaser 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 26 3/4" x 39 3/4" [68 x 101 cm]
Condition: VG

331. JERRY MAGUIRE (USA/Spanish, 1996), Art by Bruce Weber, Unfolded Double-Sided 1-Sheet Movie Poster, 26 3/4" x 39 3/4"
Condition: VG

430. VINTAGE LONDON BUS DESTINATION SCROLL (UK, 1973), Linenbacked (as issued), 36" x 78"
Condition: VG to F

333. CITIZEN KANE (English, 1990s), Unfolded Teaser English Double Crown Movie Poster, 19 3/4" x 27 3/4" [50 x 70 cm]
Condition: VG

389. WE ALL LOVED EACH OTHER SO MUCH (Japanese, 1990), Unfolded Japanese B2 Movie Poster, 20" x 28 1/2" [51 x 72 cm]
Condition: VG to F

352. NAGISA NO SHIROI IE (Japanese, 1977), Unfolded Japanese B2 Movie Poster, 20" x 28 1/2" [51 x 72 cm]
Condition: VG. Was formerly lightly tri-folded.

303. CHINESE CONNECTION (Italian, 1970s), Art by Averardo Ciriello, Folded Italian Locandina Movie Poster, 13 1/4" x 27 1/2" [34 x 70 cm]
Condition: VG to F

328. THE INDIAN TOMB (Italian, 1959), Art by Luigi Martinati, Folded Italian One-Panel ("2 Fogli") Movie Poster, 39" x 55"
Condition: Good. There is a large foreign language title change snipe glued over the entire title area. There is a small stamp in the top right corner. There are a few small clear tape repairs on the back of the poster.

344. LUDWIG (Italian, 1973), Art by Enzo Nistri, Folded Italian Locandina Movie Poster, 13" x 27"
Condition: VG to F

347. MANHATTAN (Italian, 1979), Folded Italian Locandina Movie Poster, 13 1/4" x 27 3/4" [34 x 70 cm]
Condition: VG to F

319. LE GIORNATE DEL CINEMA MUTO (Italian, 2005), Art by Calderini/Marchese, Unfolded Italian Movie Poster, 26 3/4" x 37 3/4"
Condition: VG

381. TOMI UNGERER PHOTOGRAPHIE (German, 1990), Unfolded, Exhibition Poster, A1, 23" x 33" [58 x 84 cm]
Condition: VG to F

318. GANGS OF NEW YORK (German, 2003), Unfolded German Movie Poster, A1, 23" x 33" [58 x 84 cm]
Condition: Good to very good. There is a light horizontal crease across the center of the poster and there are minor creases and scuffs scattered throughout.

322. HANNAH AND HER SISTERS (Danish, 1986), Folded Danish Movie Poster, 24 1/4" x 33 1/2" [62 x 85 cm]
Condition: VG. Formerly folded.

300. CELL 2455 DEATH ROW (Danish, 1955), Folded Danish Movie Poster, 24 1/4" x 33" [62 x 84 cm]
Condition: Good to very good. There is a censor stamp at lower left in the credits area and there is tattering around the edges of the poster.

332. WALT DISNEY'S JUNGLE CAT (Belgian, 1960), Folded Belgian Movie Poster, 14 1/4" x 21 1/2" [36 x 55 cm]
Condition: G to VG. Formerly folded.

376. THE FRONT (Belgian, 1976), Belgian Movie Poster, Unfolded, 14 1/2" x 21 1/2" [37 x 55 cm]
Condition: VG to F

340. LE GRAND PAYSAGE D'ALEXIS DROEVEN (French, 1981), Folded French "Petite" Movie Poster, 16 1/4" x 22 1/2" [41 x 57 cm]
Condition: VG to F

364. PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO (French, 1985), Art by Jean-Michel Folon, Cinema French Door Panel “Pantalon”, 23 1/4" x 62" [59 x 157 cm]
Condition: VG to F. Folded.

369. SILENCE OF THE LAMBS (French, 1990), French "Petite" Movie Poster, 15" x 20" [38 x 51 cm]
Condition: VG to F. Formerly folded.

321. THE GUNS OF NAVARONE (French, 1961), Art by Howard Terpning, Folded Cinema French One-Panel “Grande” Movie Poster, 47" x 62 3/4" [119 x 159 cm]
Condition: Good. There is a large title snipe across the top of the poster as well as a smaller snipe in the credits. There are some small tears scattered throughout the poster, especially along the fold lines.

287. ASSIGNMENT K (French, 1968), Art by H. Poussy, Folded French "Affiche" Movie Poster, 22 3/4" x 31" [58 x 79 cm]
Condition: VG to F

308. DANCES WITH WOLVES (French, 1991), Movie Poster, 23 1/2" x 31 1/2" [60 x 80 cm]
Condition: VG to F. Formerly folded.

305. COLLECTOR (French, 1965), French "Affiche" Movie Poster, Folded, B1, 26 1/2" x 38 1/4" [67 x 97 cm]
Condition: VG to F. Formerly folded.

297. VIVA IL CINEMA (French, 2003), Art by Jenny Holzer, Linenbacked French "Affiche" Movie Poster, A1, 23 1/2" x 32 1/4"
Condition: VG to F. Poster was never folded and had only minor edge defects prior to backing.

301. CHAPLIN REVUE (French, 1973), Art by Leo Kouper, French "Affiche" Movie Poster, A1, 23 3/4" x 31 1/2" [60 x 80 cm]
Condition: Fair to Good. Areas of paper loss.

299. CATCH 22 (French, 1970), French "Petite" Movie Poster, 15 3/4" x 23 1/2" [40 x 60 cm]
Condition: G to VG. Formerly folded.

375. TENDERNESS, MY FANNY (French, 1979), Movie Poster, 17 1/4" x 24 1/4" [44 x 62 cm]
Condition: G to VG. Formerly folded. Edges of poster may have been neatly trimmed. Minor creases and a few 1" and smaller tears around the edges.

296. THEATRE FRANCAISE DE LA DANSE (French, 1969), Art by Alexander Calder, French Theater Poster, 30” x 45”
Condition: VG to F

280. THE 39 STEPS (French, 1960s), Folded French Large Movie Poster, 31 1/2" x 47 1/4" [80 x 120 cm]
Condition: VG to F

286. ARRANGEMENT (French, 1969), Art by Rene Ferracci, Folded French "Affiche" Movie Poster, 23 1/4" x 31 1/2" [59 x 80 cm]
Condition: G to VG. The text area at top and across the bottom and the black background areas of the poster have been neatly overprinted (so the poster could be used for a Danish audience). There are tack holes, small tears, and small areas of paper loss around the edges of the poster.

351. AFTERNOON AFFAIR (Slovakian, 1984), Unfolded Movie Poster, 11 3/4" x 16 1/2" [30 x 42 cm]
Condition: VG

314. FEELING OF LOVE (Russian, 1983), Unfolded Movie Poster, 24" x 33 1/2" [61 x 85 cm]
Condition: G to VG. There are some creases throughout the poster. There is a stain on the back of the poster at lower left and upper right that slightly bleeds through to the front.

316. FREISPRUCH MANGELS BEWEISES (Russian, 1963), Folded Movie Poster, 21 1/2" x 35" [55 x 89 cm]
Condition: VG

359. ONE CHANCE IN ONE THOUSAND (Russian, 1969), Art by Lemeshenko, Folded Movie Poster, 20 1/4" x 26" [51 x 66 cm]
Condition: G to VG. There are some pin holes creases and light stains around the edges of the poster and minor creases and scuffs scattered throughout (mostly along the foldlines).

329. JAILBREAK (Russian, 1978), Unfolded Movie Poster, 22 1/2" x 30 3/4" [57 x 78 cm]
Condition: VG to F

284. ALITET UKHODIT V GORY (Russian, 1949), Folded Movie Poster, 22 3/4" x 30 1/2" [58 x 77 cm]
Condition: The top border has been trimmed from the poster. There are minor creases throughout the poster and there is a small amount of tattering around the edges.

281. 49 DAYS (Russian, 1962), Art by Zelenski, Folded Movie Poster, 25 1/4" x 41" [64 x 104 cm]
Condition: G to VG. There is tattering and small paper loss around the edges of the poster.

383. TWO LIVES (Russian, 1957), Movie Poster, 19 1/4" x 25 1/2" [49 x 65 cm]
Condition: G to VG. There are some creases scattered throughout the poster and there are a few 2" and smaller tears around the edges (repaired with tape from the back).

285. AND WE HAD SILENCE (Russian, 1977), Unfolded Movie Poster, 22 1/2" x 31" [57 x 79 cm]
Condition: VG

337. KONETS IMPERATORA TAYGI (Cuban, 1980), Silkscreened, Unfolded Cuban Movie Poster, 20" x 30" [51 x 76 cm]
Condition: Good. There is scuffing throughout the poster (typical of silkscreen printed posters).